The wedding of two women in a nursing home in France !

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On Tuesday, November 15th of 2022, Liliane and Andrée were married at the Town Hall of Valenciennes, France. These two residents of the Val d’Escaut nursing home, took the oath in front of the mayor Laurent DEGALLAIX as well as some residents and all the teams of the structure where they live.

This senior wedding is the very first union in France between two women who both live in the same residence for seniors. These two 72 year old women have known each other since they were 11 years old and grew up in Notre-Dame d’Aubry-du-Hainaut. In love since they were 25 years old, they lived their love in secret because their time was yet not ready to accept it.

The story of Liliane and Andrée : a secret love story

In 2017, Liliane and Andrée entered the Val d’Escaut nursing home and asked to be put in the same room. The staff did not know they were in love, it was during a trip to the beach that their story was revealed.

During that day, during the meal, we were talking about gay weddings and Liliane and Andrée came to ask us if it was possible to do that in real life. They thought that same-sex marriages were only possible on television. We told them it was possible and a few minutes later, Andrée proposed to Liliane in front of us. 

Alexandra SIMON, their referring nurse

A dream came true for these two women who were able to get married thanks to the efforts of the Val de l’Escaut nursing home. They did everything to make the wedding happen in the best conditions : the main room of the retirement home was transformed into a reception room.

Valenciennes. Deux résidentes d’un EHPAD se marient après avoir longtemps vécu leur amour en secret

A change of perspective

“It will remain the most beautiful memory of my career, I can predict it !” confided to Le Parisien, a French newspaper, Camille HÉTROIT, manager of the Val-de-l’Escaut nursing home.

This beautiful story alone highlights several key points of our longevity society :

  • LGBT+ taboos still resist but barriers are falling, thank you seniors !
  • The same goes for the taboos related to sexuality of seniors and/or in retirement homes, thanks again !
  • Beautiful stories exist in care homes, places of life too, despite the current bashing. Something to meditate…

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