SilverEco & Ageing Well International Festival : our partners talk about it best !

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On the occasion of the SilverEco & Ageing Well International Festival 2022, international stakeholders and decision makers from all around the world were gathered to participate in this great event of Silver Economy and Ageing Well. Participants from the entire globe enjoyed their time and gave wonderful testimonials from the heart.

On this 2022 edition, the SilverEco & Ageing Well International Festival welcomed over 1 500 B2B visitors in 2 days, 150 candidates for the Awards, 75 jury members, international exhibition booths and Hubs, 16 round tables, and more …

Needless to say that the 2022 edition of the International Festival and Awards was a huge success.

Taking a real international turn, the SilverEco & Ageing Well International Festival gathered Silver Economy actors from all around the globe to network, learn, promote, test and share on the demographic transition and the ageing environment. This great event of Ageing Well became THE place to be in the Silver Economy sector and many are those who agree with this statement : the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Italy, Hong Kong… several testimonies have been gathered to demonstrate the great impact of the SilverEco & Ageing Well International Festival.

The United Kingdom’s testimonials

My colleague Jennine Jonczyck and I were thrilled to attend the International SilverEco Festival in Cannes on 12-13th September 2022. It was an absolute pleasure to be surrounded by like-minded individuals, professionals, innovators, and policy makers – all passionate about supporting communities to thrive throughout the life course. Having a booth at this event ensured that we maximised the opportunities to network, to raise our profile and truly communicate our exciting work in the healthy longevity sector. We were honoured to be presented with an award for our ‘Longevity City’ initiative, proudly representing the United Kingdom. It meant a great deal to be recognised on the international stage for an initiative that demonstrates our aspiration and vision for how cities can drive a new narrative on healthy longevity and mobilise industry to encourage citizens to make healthier lifestyle choices. We also had the opportunity to talk about our work with representatives of other international organisations during a rich panel discussion which was an enlightening and highly beneficial experience. We left the expo with our heads spinning with ideas and a pipeline of potential collaborative projects with new contacts – all of which would not have been possible without the facilitation of the SilverEco team and their unique event.

Alex MITCHELL – Programme Manager & Strategic Partnership : VOICE / NICA | Awardee 2022 representing the UK

SilverEco offered some great networking opportunities with innovators showcasing exciting solutions to support our ageing populations. It was a great chance to learn about innovations developed in France and across the world, and to explore potential exciting collaborations.

Alex MERCKX – Director of Marketing and Partnerships : COGNITANT | International HUB exhibitor  

Italy’s testimonial

Manifestazione molto interessante con format innovativo e proattivo. È il nuovo modo per far conoscere la silver economy e per creare un network internazionale. Imperdibile !

(Very interesting event with innovative and proactive format. It is the new way to raise awareness of the silver economy and international networking. Not to be missed !) 

Mariuccia ROSSINI – President & CEO : Over SpA / Silver Economy Forum Italy | International round table speaker

Hong Kong’s testimonial

Taking part in the forum expo, we had an eye-opening experience that we were able to get in touch with quite a number of human-centric innovations showcased from different exhibitors and identified some state-of-art technologies that we might be able to adopt in our services. The expo as well served as an excellent platform for us to broaden our international appeal, which we have learnt a great deal through sharing and exchanging of knowledge and intelligence with organisations with similar interests and visions. The Festival was an incredibly fruitful and enjoyable experience !

On behalf of the “Hong Kong Housing Society”, I am delighted to have participated to the SilverEco and Ageing Well International Awards 2022, and being first in Hong Kong to receive this International Award, as a recognition of our Retirement Housing Projects for Active Ageing. This is a strong assertion on our commitment to enhance the quality of life of retirees through innovative services and smart use of technologies.

Carmen NG KA MAN – General Manager (Elderly Services) : Hong Kong Housing Society | Awardee 2022 representing Hong Kong

The United States of America’s testimonial

Very honored to attend the 2022 SilverEco & Ageing Well International Festival in the heart of the “Palais des Festivals” in Cannes, France. The #SilverEco event brought together the community of thought-leaders and entrepreneurs who share a passion for creating innovations for the silver economy and the aging well sector. 

At this event, I was honored to recognize my #IBM Research Dublin colleagues and their partners at Trinity College for their work on #SEURO and #ProACT technology. The project is focused on developing a digital health platform that integrates advanced technologies to improve home care for older adults with multiple morbidities that can scale across different countries.  In addition to the award ceremony, it was an honor to represent IBM in an international panel discussion where I shared the enterprise perspective of scaling solutions, how #AI can be used for personalized and adaptive care, and my research to understand the barriers and facilitators older adults face when adopting technology. A special thank you to the organizers who created an incredible and inspiring event.  Merci beaucoup !

Susann KEOHANE – Global Industry Analyst Relations (marketing and communication) : IBM Ecosystem |International round table speaker

Canada’s testimonial

The Town of New Glasgow represented Nova Scotia, Canada this year at this prestigious event and was the only Canadian project to win. We are extremely proud, and our experience was nothing but positive!The town is humbled to have been on the international stage accepting an award for Ageing Well with eleven other countries, all working toward the same goal, which is how to meet the needs of an ageing population. After winning the international award, and once we were back in Canada, the Town received a congratulatory testimony video from the Canadian Minister of Seniors, Minister Khera, which congratulates us for this Award, validates the work that we’re doing and the work that the federal government invested in.

We also really valued to having our own booth, within the International Hub. This gave us the opportunity to start many conversations with people that were interested in where we were from and what brought us here. It also gave us an opportunity to shine a light on our community and all that it has to offer as well as all the work that the town has done on the Age Friendly Community Plan that includes the “Mentoring Plus Strategy” project.

The significance of the Award, for the Town of New Glasgow, is to celebrate all the accomplishments, and receiving recognition internationally speaks to the importance of looking through all the work done through an age-friendly lens. We hope to come back next year, with a higher visibility and why not take part in a round table as there are many things yet to be shared and said.

Nancy DICKS – Mayor of the Town of New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | Awardee 2022 representing Canada

Join us for the 15th edition of the SilverEco & Ageing Well International Festival

Come and experience a unique event, and take part in the 2023 SilverEco & Ageing Well International Festival.

This next edition will be taking place on September 18th and 19th, at the notorious Palais des Festivals of Cannes City – France.

Become a part of this great event of Ageing Well and Silver Economy, and meet international stakeholders and decision makers from all around the world !

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